Synopsis: Denji has a simple dream—to live a happy and peaceful life, spending time with a girl he likes. This is a far cry from reality, however, as Denji is forced by the yakuza into killing devils in order to pay off his crushing debts. Using his pet devil Pochita as a weapon, he is ready to...
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season part'2 (2022) and p1 (2020-21), at last really
in manga, yet seeing this anime is overall considered better I hope so as it ends :(
The Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note, Special Arc Tv Movie
and now a 'back to age' 1-hour Sp ep, which was more Xmasy than Newyearish :p
The Hero Chapter is the immediate sequel to the original Yuuki Yuuna and is perhaps the strongest season yet (I have not seen the Mankai chapter yet so that doesn't count in my reckoning). This season is largely story driven with the slice-of-life/comedy elements taking a back seat. The major...
Episodes: 12 Original airing dates: 7th October 2021 – 23th December 2021
Studio: Satelight Genre: Sci-fi/adventure
Recommended audience: People who like adventure stories and like strong headed lolis
Sakugan sometimes known as Sacks&Guns is a sci-fi/adventure...
Planetarian: Snow Glove OVA, are Chapters Jerusalem or Tircis and Aminte next?
they delayed its 15th Anniversary Prequel to this year, only 2 eps left to animate :)
Episodes: 12 Original airing dates: 4th October 2021 – 20th December 2021
Studio: Studio Bind Genre: Isekai/adventure/fantasy
Prequel: Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation Part 1
Recommended audience: Fans of fantasy/adventure anime with a dose of fanservice
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai: anniversary, '11-21
Also check out its 2012 special, Letter to Menma and upcoming new project! o_O
Episodes: 24 Original airing dates: 9th July 2021 – 17th December 2021
Studio: P.A. Works Genre: Drama, slice-of-life
Recommended audience: Slice-of-life and fans of character driven drama.
Aquatope of White Sand otherwise known as Shiroi Suna no Aquatope is a...
In this prequel I will be reviewing the first (second season depending on how you call seasons) in the Yuuki Yuuna franchise. If you are a fan of magical girls and drama then this could be worth a look as this series has got all the stuff to cater for such fans. Be warned though there are some...
In this prequel I will be delving into Jobless Reincarnation which was one of the better anime series of the winter 2021 season. It is one I would recommend for its good storytelling. Be warned thought that our main man Rudeus Greyrat is a bit of a perv so there will be ecchi scenes littered...
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6: Stone Ocean, finally 12'eps at once in this series!
no wonder why now all 6 seasons are available in netflix, instead of crunchyroll :p
My Hero Academia 5th series (2021) and 4th (‘19-20), S6 confirmed too next year
agreed i’m just done binging s4 and 5, one of a few 100+’ep animes I still watch :)
Akumajō Dracula: Castlevania Season 4 (2021) and 3 (20), also sequel confirmed
I like metroidvanias but yes Cvs began It all 35 years ago, netflix to adapt sotn? :o
Billed as the successor to Death Note and Bakuman; Platinum End certainly had a heap of expectation attached to it. The fact that I had heard less than promising things about the manga meant I was a little leery starting this but thankfully the show was better than what I was expecting. Lots of...
Japanese: プラチナエンド
Airing date: 8/10/2021 ( Friday release)
Episodes: 24
Genres: Drama, supernatural
Studio: Signal.MD
monsta recommends for: Action and fans of death match series like Mirai Nikki
Synopsis: After the death of his parents and the abusive relationship he has suffered with his...
Japanese: 無職転生 ~異世界行ったら本気だす~
Airing date: 4/10/2021 (Monday release)
Episodes: 12
Genres: Isekai, fantasy
Studio: Studio Bind
Synopsis: Part 2 of Jobless reincarnation is an immediate continuation of events from season one therefore it is highly recommended you watch part one before seeing...
Lupin the 3rd: Part 6 (2021-22) and part 5 (2018), celebrating Its 50th anniversary
even after 1 decade despite delays last year or a recap ‘jidai’, Ep.1 this weekend :)